We roast local,
the way locals like it
Localised roasting is a very European idea.
Western Australian's coffee tastes are distinctive and it was these preferences that shaped the range we have created.
"When someone smiles and says that's a great coffee, we can be confident we have successfully joined a rather complex chain of activity that started on the branch of a coffee tree somewhere on a remote equatorial mountain and ended with the skill of your barista."
Rob Kinninmont

In the beginning
Late in 2001 not long after arriving in Western Australia, Alex Kok (a.k.a. The Koffee Baron) fired up a Probat Coffee Roasting machine in the corner of a shed in Margaret River. Into it he poured a selection of green beans he had amassed from numerous trips he had made along the world’s great coffee belt. This was to be the moment of truth.
Our focus
You know as well as we do that creating a great coffee consistently time and time again, is neither easy nor something that happens by accident. Each step of the process is make or break. We work as hard on procurement, as we do with our clients ensuring the café experience is as good as it can be. Our work doesn’t stop at your grinder, we stay with you right through to the cup.

The relationship
We understand retail because in the beginning
that is what we were and we still are, retailers.
We know all the joys, the challenges, and the stress points.
We have created our business to wrap around yours.
We are on the end of the phone ready for the call.
It is a cliché we know, but a great café is more than
just great coffee. We have also learned that
the by-product of a great coffee is a great business.